We had such a fun time as a family on Halloween this year! I have never been a big fan of Halloween or dressing up in costume. I never decorate for it and I haven’t dressed up in years. However, that certainly changed once we had these two little guys! It’s a fun holiday again! Colt is really into fire trucks and sirens right now. We live on a hill overlooking a street that often has firetrucks going by (there’s a nearby station). Whenever Colt hears one he runs to a chair we have in the living room and climbs up to get a good view out the window! And after getting to tour a real fire engine in Julian last weekend, I thought a firefighter costume would make his day. Last Halloween he was only 11 months old and not really walking, so this was his first real go at trick-or-treating! He didn’t quite know what to make of it, but we had a great time watching him. We took the boys trick-or-treating in the neighborhood Deven grew up in, which was really special. And so far, telling him that the lollipops are poop has been an effective anti-candy ploy. ;) That time change, though… oh boy! Who ever thought that was a good idea?!

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I can’t believe how fast time is flying! In a month Boone will already be half a year old! I feel like I just had him. For some reason Boone still seems like more of a baby at 5 months old than Colt did… maybe that’s because Colt was such a big baby at five months. ;) I just went back and re-read that post – Colt was a whole clothing size bigger and two diaper sizes bigger than Boone is right now! They were only 4 oz apart at birth, but Boone was 2 in longer so he is my tall, skinny boy! He’s finally getting some hair on that cute little head. He recently found his feet and loves holding on to them and sucking on his toes haha. He is rolling both directions and all over the place, he’ll even scoot about 6 or 8 feet across the rug in our living room. He can just barely sit up for a few seconds at a time. He is the happiest baby – he’ll smile when anyone looks at him or says his name. I am trying so hard to just soak him up and appreciate his smallness and tenderness, because soon enough he will be big and fast and rough and tough like his big brother. He is a bringer of joy to my sometimes-stressful days. When Colt is having his “terrible two” moments (he’ll be two in just a few weeks!), Boone restores my patience and improves my attitude with his sweet spirit.

I had so much fun doing this little shoot with him the other day on my Nikon D800 and 58mm 1.4. My workhorse of a D3 may be retiring and up for sale soon!

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I am so thrilled to be Katie & Gar’s wedding photographer. They are the sweetest couple and I can’t wait to watch them tie the knot next October! Congratulations, you two. :)

Images photographed with a Contax 645 on Kodak Portra 400 film. Developed and scanned by Richard Photo Lab.

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Sarah Neal of L&S Design Co and I collaborated and designed a pretty little editorial shoot a few weeks ago. I wanted to showcase natural light film photography while shooting indoors. Thanks to our beautiful model and momma-to-be Jenee for working with us. This was a fun shoot for me and something a little outside my usual outdoor sessions – it’s so important to shoot for fun and create images that inspire you.

Venue: Brick & Laurel Warehouse, La Mesa, CA / Florals: L&S Design Co / Hair: Savannah Turrietta / Dress: Free People / MUA: Katie Anderson, Salon Thrive

Images photographed with a Contax 645 on Kodak Portra 800 and 400 film, developed and scanned by Richard Photo Lab.

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