Happy New Year everyone! Looking back on 2015 and excited for another great year. You all have been wonderful to do life and business with… THANK YOU!

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Merry Christmas from my family to yours! 2015 has been an eventful year for us! Our firstborn Colt turned two in November and we welcomed our second son Boone into our family in May. They light up our lives! I adore watching them grow, learn and discover. It was a slower year for my business while I took a few months off for maternity leave, but I am looking forward to next year and what it has in store! I have a handful of weddings booked for 2016 and am excited to teach a few more workshops next year as well. I hope you all enjoy a wonderful Christmas with your family. I am eager to teach my sons the joy of giving this holiday season. May we all keep Jesus, the reason for our celebration, on the forefront of our minds as we thank him for all he has done for us!

“For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6

Images by Jill Thomas.

I guess I’d better get Boone’s 6-month blog post up before he turns 7 months old next week… you could say it’s been a busy month!! I am just wrapping up everyone’s sessions for 2015! I have a newborn “client” due any day now and will start shooting weddings again in January. My two little guys have kept my hands full on the homefront. Boone is crawling now! Just when I thought we had our new routine down… everything’s about to get real busy again! He is bonking his head into furniture, chewing on wrapping paper, eating pine needles off of the floor… haha. We also started him on some solid foods (based on the Super Nutrition for Babies book again – love this book!). He likes sweet potato, carrots, soft-boiled egg yolk and chicken stock… and does not like avocado. What California baby doesn’t like avocado?! Anyway, this post doesn’t come with a lot of photos because – I confess – I am getting worse and worse at documenting our home life! It will be on my to-do list for weeks at a time (literally – Colt turned two over a month ago and I have yet to do his 2-yr photos). Looking forward to a little slower season in the new year and some more time for shooting personal projects. :)


I had the pleasure of photographing Darcy and Brent when they were expecting their first baby boy and again when their oldest Jack was just a year old. They made the trip out to San Diego for a photo shoot this year and it was so fun to see their two boys together. It’s hard to picture it, but my boys will be catching up to them soon enough! Darcy and Brent, you have a beautiful family!

Images photographed with a Contax 645 on Kodak Portra 400 film.

©Acres of Hope Photography_1765Fall Family Session by San Diego Photographer Acres of Hope Photography©Acres of Hope Photography_1767©Acres of Hope Photography_1768©Acres of Hope Photography_1769©Acres of Hope Photography_1770©Acres of Hope Photography_1771©Acres of Hope Photography_1772©Acres of Hope Photography_1773©Acres of Hope Photography_1774©Acres of Hope Photography_1775©Acres of Hope Photography_1776©Acres of Hope Photography_1777©Acres of Hope Photography_1778

I had such a fun time photographing the talented and beautiful Kelly Halsch last month for some lifestyle portraits! She is a skilled author and blogger and a blossoming photographer and I love following her IG account @lovelyandblooming. Thanks for the privilege of capturing you on film, Kelly!

Images photographed with a Contax 645 on Kodak Portra 400 film.

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